EIT RawMaterials 10009 KAVA Project – “RIS Education & Entrepreneurship”
EIT RawMaterials provides a collaborative environment for disruptive and breakthrough innovations by connecting business with academia, research, and investment. It also invests in the future generation of innovators for the raw materials sector through initiatives ranging from the education of school students to higher qualifications for industry professionals.
EIT Raw Materials offers multiple programs to help startups idea holders that are active in topics associated with minerals, metals and advanced materials.

Bogatin is EIT Raw Materials national incubator and a single point of contact for idea holders and startups in the raw materials sector.
Various programs are specific to the developmental stage your startup is currently in.
EIT Jumpstarter
Your idea is ready, it’s time to get a team & start networking.
Pre-register for EIT Jumpstarter 2022 here: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/pre-register-for-eit-jumpstater/
EIT RawMaterials Accelerator
Your plans are finalized, now you need to build, develop & scale.
APPLICATION DEADLINE IS 19 September, 2022, 17:00 CET.
More information below.
EIT RawMaterials Booster
Your company needs a financial injection to continue innovating.
More information below.
EIT RawMaterials Regional Innovation Competition
Your company has an ambition to move from regional to international markets.
APPLICATION DEADLINE IS 10 October, 2022, 17:00 CET.
Moe information and registration: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/regional-innovation-competition-2022/
EIT Jumpstarter
A pre-accelerator program for innovators in raw materials & other highly specific business sectors. It helps you establish business connections, build your skills, gather a team & develop your business venture into a fully-fledged startup company.
Jumpstarter is divided into 4 phases:
Phase 1 – Application
This one is pretty straightforward, simply apply to Jumpstarter using the form bellow.
Phase 2 – Boot Camp & Coaching
In phase 2 you’ll join Jumpstarter’s boot-camp & start learning all the skills you’ll need to develop a successful raw materials startup from expert coaches.
Phase 3 – Local Joint Trainings
In phase 3 local trainings will start where along with your previously acquired skills you’ll meet & learn from local industry leaders, which’ll help you learn about challenges specific to your region & establish the necessary business connections for your company’s success.
Phase 4 – Mentoring & Final Pitch
In phase 4 – Jumpstarter will come to a close with a bang, or rather a pitch competition for all startups in the program. You’ll be pitching in-front of industry leaders that might choose that very moment to invest in your idea, but we’ve also added a reward for the very best pitches.
The best pitch will receive a reward of 10,000 EUR , 2nd place will receive 7,000 EUR & 3rd 5,000 EUR.
Pre-register for EIT Jumpstarter 2022 here: https://eitjumpstarter.eu/pre-register-for-eit-jumpstater/
EIT RawMaterials Accelerator
The main accelerator program is designed to help your raw materials startup build, develop & grow. Industry experts, business contacts, potential & investors await. The accelerator program will be divided into 3 phases. These are:
Phase 1 – Explore
If you’re startup has reached a technology readiness level (TRL) between 4-6 you’re ready to start the 1st phase of the accelerator program.
In this phase you’ll receive 10,000 EUR in funding & all the mentorship, knowledge & contacts you can handle. All with the goal of rapid development of your exploration, mining, material processing, metal & mineral, steel-making and/or recycling startup. This phase lasts 3 months.
Phase 2 – Build
Now that you’ve developed your idea, reached a TRL between 5-7, and a CRL of 5, it’s time to build. Phase 2 and Phase 3 will be a combined amount of 80,000 EUR. You’ll need to validate customer needs, verify business assumptions, gather a team & start making your dream a reality. This phase lasts 6 months.
Phase 3 – Grow
Your business is in TRL-7 & ready to launch, let’s do it! This phase will provide you with the support you’ll need to have a successful market entry & start growing your company into the future & it lasts 6 months.
For more information click here: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/accelerator/
EIT RawMaterials Booster
Are you operating an already established company within the raw materials sector & just need a boost? EIT’s booster program provides just such support to SME’s & startups developing innovating products and services in our sector. Apply to the Booster Call to get financial support of up to EUR 200 000 and access to the EIT RawMaterials partner network to scale up.
Booster Call provides established companies with support operating in:
Sustainable discovery & supply of primary and/or secondary resources
You’re securing or processing strategic mineral resources in a sustainable & safe way and with a social license to operate.
Sustainable materials for future mobility
You’re working on the latest electrification technologies, such as batteries, fuel cells & magnets. Or on mobility-related materials such as lightweight design (including steel, non-ferrous alloys, composites or multi-materials).
Raw materials and circular societies
You’re developing a new circular business model based on reuse, repair, re-manufacturing or sharing economy.
Booster Call 2022 is open throughout the year. For the sake of clarity and to ensure a smooth selection and operational progress of the selected Start-ups and SMEs, we have three cut-off dates for proposal submission.
The application deadlines are 8 April, 6 June and 5 September 2022.
For more detailed information check out the webiste: https://eitrawmaterials.eu/booster-call/
For more information please contact: Ksenja Jaklic, ksenja@bogatin.si